Bacon and maple syrup is a glorious marriage of flavours to delight your tastebuds. I must admit that I have only just recently tried this combination of sweet bacon goodness. My sister Kath lived in Canada some fifteen years ago and she has been a big fan of this breakfast treat since then. It’s one […] Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘Breakfast’
{Perfect Scrambled Eggs, Fetta Cheese + Fresh Garden Herbs}
My answer to the question “What would you take to deserted island” would be a brood of chickens and a rooster. They would provide me with a bounty of freshly laid hen eggs and a little company. They would live in paradise and I would get my diy on and build them a cage made […] Read more…
{Nut Free} ‘Peanut’ Butter + Chocolate Spread
For those with food allergies it could be mild or life threatening. It seems our bodies have become increasingly intolerant to certain foods. There are many theories out there and mine is a mix of hereditary pre cursers, chemicals in our food chain, what we cook with, environmental and processed foods. The first time I experienced […] Read more…
Recipe {Chia Pudding, Coconut, Vanilla, Maple with Fresh Figs, Pistachios, Toasted Coconut}
Chia has been touted as a ‘superfood’ because this clever little seed packs a nutritional punch. It is high in the essential fatty acid omega 3 in fact 8 times the amount found in salmon. Low in sodium, high in protein, lipids, fibre, antioxidants and B vitamins. A great source of calcium because it contains […] Read more…
Sweet Dukkah
Who does not like tasting dukkah?! I am fascinated by the balance of exotic and aromatic herbs, spices, nuts and seeds that are used in these delicious concoctions. So what is dukkah and where did it originate from? This is my question. My guess would be Morocco or some far off land, a little more […] Read more…
Recipe {Apple Cinnamon Compote with Ricotta, Raw Almonds, Coconut Sugar and Black Chia Seeds}
APPLE CINNAMON COMPOTE WITH RICOTTA, RAW ALMONDS, COCONUT SUGAR AND BLACK CHIA SEEDS I love having this as a breakfast treat, Sunday brunch, afternoon snack or a healthy dessert alternative. Have a play with the ingredients, you could add toasted shredded coconut, popped quinoa, walnuts or pecans. For a rustic style serve them in mason jars or […] Read more…