My answer to the question “What would you take to deserted island” would be a brood of chickens and a rooster. They would provide me with a bounty of freshly laid hen eggs and a little company. They would live in paradise and I would get my diy on and build them a cage made of gathered sticks. Back to reality and not so far fetched would be to have our own chooks and a fancy hen house.
I like eggs fried, poached, scrambled, boiled or made into an omelette. Eggs anyway but like a good coffee they need to be made perfectly and everyone has their preferred choice of how they are done. For me over easy fried and a soft boiled egg means a good day in the kitchen!. Timing is so integral to cooking the perfect eggs – it only takes a few seconds to change the end result. The humble egg is such a versatile whole food and easily eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack. As a little bub my mumma fed me boiled rice and fried egg with soya sauce. It was and still is one of my favourite quick and easy dinners. My preference is organic wheat free tamari, shoyu or the staple in all Indonesian pantries ABC Kecap Manis – I am yet to find an organic alternative to this sweet sticky sauce.
Making a creamy scrambled eggs is relatively easy. The trick is to cook them on a medium to low heat and not overcook them. I find taking them off the heat when they are actually undercooked will give you that delicate creaminess. Once you take the pot off the heat the eggs are still cooking from the heat of the base. It can be a matter of an extra 10 seconds between perfection and cooking a scrambled omelette.
serves 2
4 organic eggs, cracked
1/2 cup full cream milk or for extra creaminess use fresh cream
80 grams fetta cheese, lightly crumbled
handful of fresh flat leaf parsley and coriander, finely chopped
1 Tbsp butter
pinch salt and grind of pepper
(1) Crack the eggs into a small bowl, add milk, pinch salt and pepper. Whisk the egg mixture with a fork.
(2) Heat the butter in a small pot on medium heat and coat the bottom of the pot with butter when it starts to foam add the egg mixture to the pot. Cook for 20-30 seconds then stir the eggs so it doesn’t stick to the pot. Reduce heat to medium to low. Continue to stir the eggs every 10 seconds for 1 minute. Add the fresh herbs and stir the eggs for another 10 seconds. Lastly add the crumbled fetta and lightly stir and take off heat. The eggs should be slightly undercooked. The last bit of cooking will be done off the heat. Stir the pot once more. Serve straight away with toast, vine tomatoes, fetta and garnish with a sprinkle of finely chopped fresh herbs and micro herbs if on hand.
In all things beautiful,
Lyn x
{Perfect Scrambled Eggs, Fetta Cheese + Fresh Garden Herbs}