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Nonuts LR2

{Nut Free} ‘Peanut’ Butter + Chocolate Spread

For those with food allergies it could be mild or life threatening. It seems our bodies have become increasingly intolerant to certain foods. There are many theories out there and mine is a mix of hereditary pre cursers, chemicals in our food chain, what we cook with, environmental and processed foods. The first time I experienced […] Read more…

High Tea LR15

{High Tea} Inspiration + Styling + Photography

Birthdays and milestones are important to me. On these days time stands still to celebrate an age, a victory or a well earned certificate or acknowledgement for a job well done. They are momentous and they are worth marking in history. Life is filled with challenges, mountains to climb and flags to fly on our mountain […] Read more…

IATB DIY Inspiration Board LR2

DIY Fabric Covered Board

This is my spin on the fabric covered boards that usually have the ribbon in a criss cross pattern. I have made them in all shapes and sizes for weddings, christenings and parties. They make a great escort card or DIY photo booth board to peg your instant polaroid photos. I had so much fun […] Read more…

IATB Sweet Dukah 1 LR

Sweet Dukkah

Who does not like tasting dukkah?! I am fascinated by the balance of exotic and aromatic herbs, spices, nuts and seeds that are used in these delicious concoctions. So what is dukkah and where did it originate from? This is my question. My guess would be Morocco or some far off land, a little more […] Read more…

IATB Craft Glitter Easter Eggs 1.2015

Embellished Glitter Easter Eggs

This is a great crafty project to do with the kids however you might have to do the glittering as it can get quite messy! I made these with my stepdaughter last year for our family Easter gifts. They are a sweet little keepsake and in the school holidays we plan to make more to add […] Read more…

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